Monday, July 8, 2013

Faux Paus

Well I guess I am thrown out of another writers' group. This is getting to be a habit and yes, the common denominator is me.

Welcome to Facebook where people live out their fantasy lives in elaborate virtual games played along with family, friends and strangers from around the globe be it dating, farming, whatever. Welcome to Facebook where people can chart their travels and experiences right down to the second as they are sipping a beer in a dive right off the turnpike and close by. Welcome to Facebook where everyone is a success and life is happy. Welcome to Facebook the perpetual High School, family reunion...

And who gives a shit?

All I did was post a simple question. All I did in the spirit of community to writers and artists everywhere is ask what their favorite or most horrible rejection was and how that rejection was ultimately redeemed.

What is wrong with that?

I was looking for positive stories. I was looking for gold pulled out of shit. I was looking for editors who have blown it. The history of literature is chock full of famous cases, so why not add to it and join the illustrious ranks of the famous just before they became famous.

What did I get in return?

Cue crickets. Yeah, crickets. No I lie, I received worse than crickets. I was responded to in silence.

I realize we are an insecure bunch. Otherwise why write? We feel we are important and our thoughts count. We are showmen, exhibitionists and 'bully pulpiteers''. We are walking genitals spewing out waste the bulk of the day; miserable most of the time until we see our name in print and after those few seconds of euphoria and orgasm pass we are back to being small and miserable again as we await the next great rub from a sympathetic editor.

I realize our most important work IS THE NEXT ONE and to admit to any failure received in private in a proud and creative brain is compounded by having to admit to the failure in full public view.

But isn't it better to share the hope? Isn't it better to feel some relief that we are not alone in our quests?

We talk a lot about supporting each other; about being a community and picking each other up when the other falls; so why can't we just be true and truly give guidance once in a while rather than just become a receptacle for applause.

I'm out. I get it but at least denial won't bite me in the butt someday. I can stand by my creations knowing others feel they should be in print for their audiences as well and not just for an audience of one.

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