Monday, October 14, 2013

A Demented Bird, A Ghost Planet and Escorts Are Coming Up With A Guy Named Jack

I have noticed a lot of writers' blogs discuss upcoming projects. Okay, here we go.

Upcoming project. Upcoming projects. Here is what we are working on in terms of the longer works; novels and novellas.

I am getting back to my Bizarro Novel about a demented dead bird. I expect this to be done and out to a publisher for consideration by December.

We are doing research on a science fiction horror tale concerning a rogue planet. This was inspired by the recent news concerning the discovery of a planet roaming free without a sun. The plot line is very promising.

We are also doing research on a surreal novella involving the Internet escort business. Yeah, I know some of you are saying, but this is a tired trope. Did you watch 'Walking Dead' last night. If you did, you don't get a comment. Is this s tired trope? No it isn't. There are no vampires involved; there are no Satan worshippers involved; there are no serial killers involved; and NO she will not be a ghost or succubus. The plot line I think you will find is subtle, we will tie in how the economy has gone underground and I believe the story is up to snuff and will pack the same punch as with my other weird tales. This is in the research stage ---- get your mind out of the gutter please.

And finally, I am bringing Spring Heeled Jack back with another British standby in a novella half finished.

Short stories will come. We are experimenting with more poetry. This is a fertile period and we hope to be prolific in our story telling output and terrifying.

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