Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Interview PART 1

Today we meet with a man who is a great influence on my philosophy of literature; on my thematic view of the world; and who was a great speller. Today we begin a series of interviews with a giant of letters; a man who truly was the 'scariest man alive'; and a man with a great alto-baritone singing voice. Ladies and Gentlemen, with great apologies to Monty Python, the late, great EDGAR ALLAN POE. ME: Mr. Poe, or can I call you Edgar? POE: You can can me Edgar. ME: What about Ed or Eddie? POE: Edgar is fine. ME: EA? POE: Mr. Poe will suffice. ME: Thank you. Edgar, what is with the spelling of Allan? I see it with an 'a' and with an 'e'. Is it either or both or something unique like Liza with a 'Z'? POE: Liza with a what? ME: A 'Z' like xylophone. PART 2 next Wednesday.....Wednesdays with Edgar.....

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