Thursday, November 14, 2013


I know we are all wound up way too tight. These past two, going on three weeks of my life should have left me with a debilitating number of strokes and several heart attacks. Deadlines in layers like the onion can make you drop your hands and cry but I don't need this.

I made a mistake. I admit it. I made a mistake. I submitted a story to a publisher in retrospect I should have. I didn't do my due diligence up front. After I submitted I see we are not a fit. My style isn't theirs so I withdrew my submission.

But you would have thought I withdrew something else when everyone so was so hot and heavy. You would have thought that I insulted the publisher. At least that is how they are reading it.

I apologized in my withdrawal. I stated my reasons. I didn't think the piece fit the style of the writers they favor. I wanted for both of us to avoid a rejection.

And I'm the bad guy.

Writing rule number something, something, something else: do your homework and vet your publisher.

Why can't I listen to my own advice?

Yep, stupid is as stupid does. Thy name is stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have a right to withdraw your work from submission. If they can't accept that it is their problem. You don't need them.
